There is a HORRIBLE trend spreading among the black community and I hate the very essence of this trend. This trend is...dare I even speak of it on this site...Black men dissing Black Women as if the  devil has possessed their bodies and have started filling them with this negativity toward their own race. I know this is an AMBW website but i know the type of people that will start posting forums and comments on forums will bring this up. Personally I won't lie and say that I date black guys because I don't, but not because I don't find them attractive but because I rarely date...EVER I've had 2 boyfriends in my 19 years of living and those didn't last very long. (i get bored easily with people that don't share my interests). My biggest problem with this whole trend is that these black men talk bad about these women yet they themselves were born with a black women as a mother and if not as a black man as their father. People wonder why we as a race can't better ourselves, and it has nothing to do with being ignorant or poor but it has to do with the fact that we love to destroy what our own race has strived so hard to create. I always wonder what MLK would think about these men if he heard them. He would probably in fact want to bitch slap their asses until some sense came into those narrow minded simple heads of theirs. These men say that it's fine for a black man to sleep with another woman of another race yet if black women do that then we're "the ______ man's whore". Personally I am not a whore! and i have people that can vouch for that thank you very much. And secondly i don't think they realize that not only are we as black women looked down upon but they're also looked down upon for being black. I have friends that are white and Hispanic and Asian that all say the same thing. "If i were to ever bring a black man home my parents would disown me or make us break up." I've even known girls that have said that they're parents would even stoop as low as falsely accusing the black men of rape. But of course these men that don't like black women don't realize that or if they do and still don't care then they my friends are the fools. We as black women have stood behind them all these years even when they first started leaving us for "That White Heifer" we still were there but that doesn't matter to these fools they only care about how it would look better for them to have a white women. And what pisses me off the most is that these black men don't pick beautiful women of another race, girls that i would be like "Ok i see why he chose her" but sloppy fat women the trash of that race (with the exception of men that date Asians...i kinda noticed that they're picky about their Asian girls >.>) And this doesn't go for all black men that date outside their race, this goes for the ones that LOVE to talk smack about black women and then chose a women of another race that is absolutely horrible looking.... *sigh* this is just one of those discussions and honestly this is one of those blogs that I'll probably be bringing up alot more often considering that this trend is ever rising sadly. But it's something that we all know is out there and that we all know we need to deal with as a race before we can even attempt to go to another race and expect them to welcome us with open arms.

-Alex- *sorry for any grammar errors i tend to do that when I'm heated about a topic ^_^;;;;*

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